Oct 022010

As a result of a process initiated by Ontario’s Ministry of Natural Resources, there has been a proposal to build a hydro-electric generating station at the north Bala falls.

While we all agree that water power is an excellent source of energy for generating electricity, the proposal would:

  • Make hundreds of feet of the only public shoreline in the area too dangerous for existing recreational activities, this would be a terrible loss to locals and visitors.
  • Locate the power station’s 50′-deep, 40′-wide water intake just downstream from the town docks, this would create a huge danger to all users of the town docks, as well as the recreational activities upstream.
  • Reduce the falls to a trickle year-round, which would destroy what makes Bala unique.
  • Require a 33′-wide, 128′-long poured-concrete building which would rise 20′ above the Moon River, and this would be right at the falls, directly in the line of sight from where most people view the falls. And the proponent refuses to provide a rendering of the structure showing the required components such as the facility’s entrance door or exhaust fan openings.
  • Negatively affect tourism and therefore the local economy, yet the proponent has not seriously investigated this.

We have detailed our concerns, yet in response the proponent only repeats the evasive information in their environmental screening report.

  2 Responses to “What Is All This About”

  1. The MNR now states that the proposed site of the new power plant is not a portage from Lake Muskoka to the river below. I’m, 67 years old and remember back when I was 12 and going to Camp Pinecrest this was where we would portage into the river from Lake Muskoka. Also I highly doubt the MNR has done enough of a study to know below the falls is an area where Bass lay and hatch their eggs in the fine gravel. The MNR also does not realize the effort a group from Bala put into re-introducing Pickerel to the river. Also no one seems to care that it will also end the ability of Scuba diving groups from bringing students to Bala for their open water certification. Why doesn’t Ontario Hydro give the old power station on River St to Swift River and tell them to refit this station to generate power. Ontario Hydro shut this plant down because they would not spend the money on it. So if the provincial government is so green thinking then why are they allowing the falls and ajoining park to be ruined to produce a little bit of hydro

  2. Would love to join the fight. Tell me what I can do

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