Dec 192014

The construction of the proposed hydro-electric generating station at the Bala Falls would require completely blocking-off the Bala north channel with a cofferdam. The proponent has stated this would be for the months of June through February. During these nine months all the flow through Bala could only pass through the Bala south channel, which has a maximum capacity of 252 m³/s.

The graph below (click on it for a larger view) shows the span of dates each year during which the flow through Bala was more than 252 m³/s. Therefore on the highlighted dates below, flow through the Bala north channel was needed to avoid flooding Lake Muskoka.

As expected, during spring freshet the Bala north channel is almost always needed. But what is important is that during the months of June through February (inclusive), flow through the Bala north channel was needed in 10 of the 45 years to avoid flooding Lake Muskoka.

That is, the proponent’s construction plans would create a (10/45=) 22.5% chance of flooding Lake Muskoka.

This is more than a 1 in 5 chance of flooding, which is far too risky (a 1 in 50 chance would be better design practice). We have therefore sent this letter to the MNR.

  3 Responses to “More than a 20% chance of flooding Lake Muskoka is too high”

  1. It the chart included the last couple of years the case may even be stronger. Not to mention in March and April it appears that the chance of flooding would be almost certain with the north channel blocked.

  2. Rethink this project. I’m an environmental studies major and agree with green energy. Take a breath, step back and take more leadership. We don’t need this energy now. Insist Swift River comply and be transparent with original low impact plans or cancel the project all together. As a tax payer and water front owner it is your job to regulate the water levels, which is already a challenge for you.

    Heather Truemner (with a dock needing to be replaced from two years ago)

  3. Will the damages docks that occur due to flooding be the responsibility of goverment or Ontario hydro or swift river. Who do we hold responsible.

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