Nov 192011

In an opinion piece published in the November 16, 2011 edition of What’s Up Muskoka, the proponent continues to repeat their self-serving mis-information, apparently in the hope that we’ve all gone stupid and will somehow start believing it because we keep hearing it so often.

We are apparently to believe:

  • Water-level fluctuations would be reduced even though they now would be cycling the plant off and on daily, at least during the summer.
  • That the “Key to Muskoka’s history and future is waterpower”, even though they would ruin the falls (as 94% of the water would instead go through their proposed power station), make over 500′ of the only publically-accessible shoreline in the area too dangerous to access, and make in-water recreational activities that have been going on for over 100 years too dangerous to continue.
  • That they would “work with the community”, when we have seen that they completely ignored the work done by the scenic flow committee – this being a committe which they required and had complete control over the membership, mandate, and agenda.

Read it for yourself below, or click here for a higher-resolution version.

  One Response to “The insanity continues”

  1. As I understand it, SREL was the ONLY company to bid on the Bala site when it was released. Did the others recognize the idiocy of having a power plant at this location?

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