Aug 192020

The Township of Muskoka Lakes lease for Portage Landing requires that at the end of the lease – which happened on June 30, 2020 – Swift River Energy Ltd. “shall forthwith commence and diligently carry out the … restoration…” . Instead of any work on-site to implement this landscaping plan which is to result in this (that includes a 6′-wide path with a slope down to the water suitable for wheelchairs), we have:

A board with a rusty nail sticking up …

Several places where there is a mystery goo coming out of the ground and draining towards the Moon River …

Other rusty metal sticking out of the ground …

Swift River Energy Ltd. continues to disregard safety and the needs of the community, and has left this public land as bare construction rubble.

This also contravenes Swift River Energy Ltd.’s commitment for their environmental approval that this project: “will not result in any net adverse effects to heritage buildings, structures or sites, archaeological resources, or cultural heritage landscapes” and contravenes the Township of Muskoka Lakes’ By-law 2013-052 which designated Portage Landing under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act which requires the: “Presence of trees, grasses, wildflowers, and other vegetation” and the: “Absence of artificial lighting and buildings”.

  2 Responses to “Leaving a dangerous and ugly mess”

  1. we’re all in this together!

    • No we’re not. This is a dangerous industrial facility that was forced on the community by an inexperienced developer that does not understand safe operation.

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