May 222018

Our Letter to the Editor, published by on May 15, 2018:

Holding the government to account over Muskoka issues

I loved your strongly-worded article Provincial candidates making lots of promises in Parry Sound Muskoka riding,” it is refreshing to see.

But I think you make it sound too challenging that the proposed hydroelectric generating station at the Bala Falls be stopped. As we have often noted on our website, for example at under “the costs of cancellation,” all we’re asking is for the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change to do its job and protect human life, and hold the proponent to the commitments they made for their current approvals.

If this requires a new government that does not interfere with the environmental assessment process, then we look forward to that.

  2 Responses to “Holding the government to account”

  1. The cost to cancel may work out to be cheaper in the long run, than the cost to tax payers paying for the proponents profits since they are getting prime dollar for the hydro they will produce and will be allowed to produce hydro ahead of Niagara Falls which is only producing at 1/4 capacity according to a report. The tax payer and hydro user will then have to pay the USA to take the surplus off of our grid. So in the long run, it may not be soo expensive ! food for thought. A willing Govt has had many chances and reasons to cancel this project with no penalty. Is that still in effect at this stage? Food for thought !

  2. If I am elected, I will immediately demand that the province seek an injunction to halt work pending a review of the proponents Environmental Assessment. I will call on the government to revoke approval based on significant differences from what was stated in the EA submitted by the proponent.

    I will recommend that the Feed-in Tariff offer not be extended when it expires.

    This is more than Norm Miller has done in 10 years.

    Please support my campaign and make a donation.

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