Jul 142018

The main reason for Ontario’s high cost of electricity is the massive subsidies the previous provincial Liberal government offered to private renewable energy developers.

For the proposed Bala hydro-electric generating station alone, Ontarians would pay the Bala private developer a subsidy of more than $100,000,000 over the 40-year contract (details here).

The proponent’s contract states that if the proposed project is stopped, the developer cannot claim the profits expected for future operation of the proposed project.

This is confirmed by the legal opinion here (copy here), and is in the legislation passed to cancel the proposed White Pines wind turbine project (in Schedule 2, Section 6, link here, copy here).

Therefore, the PC government keeping Doug Ford’s election promise to stop the Bala project would be a huge net saving of taxpayer dollars.

  2 Responses to “MPP Norm Miller, it’s a No Brainer: stop the project, save $100,000,000

  1. Let us stop appealing to Millar, 12 years he has heard from our community and for 12 years he has ignored us

  2. Will try and be there and bring our cottage people with us. I also am one who has received no acknowledgement from either Ford or Miller, despite having written to both.
    Just sent a letter to the MLA expressing disappointment with their luke warm stand on this, whIle jumping all over the Minett issue.
    Unfortunately I did not see your email before the 2:00pm closing of the MLA office or I would have speeded up my email to them.
    This whole thing continues to get stranger and stranger.

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