Jun 072014

When it suits their purposes, the proponent tries to project an image of engagement and concern for the community.

But this only happens when they need something from the public.

For example, their potential construction contractors have told them the construction process would be very difficult and expensive without use of the three parcels of Township land surrounding the proposed construction site.

So the proponent is pretending to be all friendly and open now (never mind that they’re also sending threatening and lawyer’s letters to the Township and District).

Last week they sent out a “Project Update” which further attempts to get the community to pressure the Township. The proponent’s deal is they want to offer one property to get three. That is, they say they won’t mess up and occupy Margaret Burgess Park if they can mess up and occupy:

  1. The south half of the Don’s Bakery parking lot.
  2. The Precambrian Shield parking lot.
  3. And most importantly, the Township land directly south of the proposed construction site – which they disparagingly call “vacant land”, never mind that it is both now a designated cultural heritage landscape (being part of the site of the historic and traditional Portage through Bala), and they would cut down all the trees and dump it full of blasted rock.

The proponent’s carefully-worded June flyer deceives and omits so much, that we had to respond. You can read our comments here.

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