May 202009

SREL would like to convene a landscape advisory committee, which would include representation from cottagers, a municipal Councillor, and local full-time residents and businesses. This would be a good thing – at the right time.

However, there are several aspects of their currently-proposed Option 2 which simply don’t have a good answer and foisting the responsibility of the resulting controversial decisions onto the community appears to be the purpose of this committee.

For example:

  1. The height of the fence around the look-out 18′ above the Moon River and over the turbulent water exiting the power station:
    • If the fence is waist-height (similar to a bridge over a highway or the railing of an apartment balcony), then there will be the new danger of little kids climbing the fence or bigger kids trying to jump into the river (as already happens from the railway bridge over the North Channel). This is a recreational area, and just as nobody lets their little children play along a highway, such a low fence (no matter how “unclimbable”) would not be in keeping with the current children- and family-friendly nature of the area.
    • If the fence is higher, then it would be an isolating, unrecreational safety fence, completely changing the look and feel to both people near the falls, and viewing the site from the Moon River.
  2. The driveway. As shown here, SREL initially proposed the driveway be at the same grade as the top of the power station (with a 75′-long retaining wall along the Moon River, as shown here). More recently, SREL has provided this drawing which appears to show that instead the driveway leads to the side of the power station. This would reduce the height of the retaining wall and eliminate the need for their initial plan for a concrete stairwell 15′ down into the power station, but would result in the Power Station rising above the driveway, just as your garage does at home. The Power Station will already loom 18′ over the Moon River. With the driveway approaching the side of the Power Station, the project certainly should not be described as “buried in a park”, as SREL continues to maintain.
  3. “Grassed Driveway” – now there’s an oxymoron. Who in Muskoka has a grassed driveway, it just won’t happen, certainly not with a truck driving over it a few times per week.
  4. The Gate. As currently designed, the Power Station requires an 18′-high, 33′-wide steel gate above the Moon River (this can be lowered to block off the water from the Power Station when the turbine requires servicing). The plan is to have a false wall in front of this gate, and to put boards or something else onto this false wall to make it look less imposing. This would be like trying to hide a 33′-wide highway billboard at water level, facing all the boaters on the Moon River (it would also be a prime graffiti target). There just isn’t a way to make this look natural.

In summary, there are no good solutions to the above and other landscaping questions, because it is wrong to put the power station adjacent to a recreational area. The landscape advisory committee is a great idea whose time has not yet come, let’s agree on where the power station should go first.

  3 Responses to “Warning – Landscape Advisory Committee”

  1. I am irked as I read. The Bala Falls are spectacular. I read on the placards there that the old Presbyterian church is one of the most sketched churches. There are 3 churches right at the Falls. The Bala Falls are sui generis – I cannot imagine (never mind why) how anyone could even conceive such an idea. This would be an irreversible mistake. Bala’s Falls would be a lot less picturesque, a lot less visited, a lot less loved. And very missed.

    The big question that needs to be answered on your website:


    To whom can I write? Do you have a petition to sign? If so, it should be on your website for your guests to sign. I would encourage this to happen asap – you have a few concerned people who took the time out to write on your site – some of us would forward the site to other Bala-lovers so they could also help with your cause.

    Hurry! Before it’s too late.

    MM, Etobicoke

  2. It is easy to have misunderstandings when SREL drawnings are so misleading. Look at and you will see that the “rendering” is not to scale and totally out of purportion. SREL has said it it too early to correct this. If that is so it may be too early to form an advisory committee.

    Before we jump ahead to landscaping, let’s seriously consider not proceeding on the site chosen by SREL.

  3. The misunderstandings listed above are the exact reason we are requesting feedback from a public advisory committee. By meeting as a working group/advisory committee we can work through what is misunderstanding and what still needs to be worked on by our design team. Making blanket incorrect statements such as those above while asking people to not work with us toward acceptable solutions, where they could have input and learn the truth about the plan is irresponsible.

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