Jul 102010

The Gravenhurst Banner had an article (here) which noted that at least one of our Township councillors believes that municipal councillors have no ability to stop the proposed hydro-electric power station.

Mitchell Shnier posted the following reply …

It is a fact that both of the proposals for a hydro-electric generating station at the Bala falls would require the long-term use of land owned by the District of Muskoka. If the District doesn’t make the land available, the proposed project cannot proceed – it is that simple.

Our municipal politicans therefore have the power to stop this project, but have been passively allowing this ruinous project to proceed because our politicians have been manipulated by the proponent into believing that the best choice for Bala is to support the current proposal.

Our politicians should use their power to stop this project so that safer and less damaging options can be evaluated.

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