Sep 302010
Rather than arguing with a child who does not want to get dressed, a proven strategy is to change the question.
The trick is that rather than saying “will you get dressed now“, you say “would you rather wear the blue shirt or the green shirt“, and the child will feel empowered to take charge and choose their favourite.
The proponent is trying to trick us the same way. We should not be arguing about Option 1 or Option 2, we must “just say no”.
The current Councillors; have demonstrated that their actions to stop this project have been ineffective, and have confirmed they will not take any stronger actions. We therefore do not support any encumbent politicians.
I think that any hydro project will ruin Bala. So many of the businesses in Bala rely on tourism. I agree with what Marion’s post said. To take away what is unique and draws people to Bala is crazy. People would stop coming to Bala for photos, and thus, the stores and shops would loose business. I could go on and on about how the main road would be affected, how the town would suffer if you couldn’t even use the docks during the summer months. The affects of all of this will destroy Bala, for years to come. I’m thankful for this site, which has helped people be aware of not only the affect of this will not only hurt the town, but also the environment.
A (any)hydro project in Bala is, I believe, totally unnecessary and absolutely destructive. There are lots of alternatives for the government. How about installing the scrubbers purchased for Nanticoke years ago or using another fuel than coal there, thus reducing those emissions (the reason for its coming demise and for “green” projects such as that in Bala). We have already lost any natural beauty in Nanticoke so we might as well continue with that, rather than starting afresh to destroy small places such as Bala. I cannot understand why anyone would want a hydro plant smack in the middle of a very small, very beautiful and historical town: we have, as a society, very few treasures left such as this. Surely we should be protecting what we have rather than sacrificing it all on the altar of profit, however “green” it purports to be.