Jan 082011

In additional to awarding SaveTheBalaFalls.com their Cultural Heritage Landscape Award, the Architectural Conservancy of Ontario has written this letter to the Ministry of the Environment.

As an example of the significance of this award, the January 5, 2011 issue of Inside Queen’s Park (a “bi-monthly insider newsletter which offers widely respected analysis of, and insight into, the inner workings of Ontario government and politics” – which is read by all provincial politicians and those involved with government and politics) included the following item about this award in their newsletter this week:

At a late Nov. Arts & Letters Club reception, Speaker Peters and the Save-the-Bala-Falls-Coalition shared the Architectural Conservancy’s main cultural heritage landscape award – the Speaker for his efforts to protect the Queen’s Park skyline and the Bala group for seeking heritage designation for the resort town’s best known tourist attraction.

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