Aug 232013

What else can we conclude …

  • The massive jet of treacherously turbulent water from the turbine would be just feet from where for over 100 years families splash and play in the water.
  • And this torrent of fast water from the tailrace would be just as deadly outside of the “safety boom” as inside (see the proponent’s own flow simulation below). Such deception should be illegal.
  • Even worse, as the proposed hydro-electric generating station would use cycling operation, at about noon most days of the summer – and without warning – the torrent of fast water would unexpectedly start and push people out to the middle of the Moon River.
  • The proponent’s own 2009 Environmental Screening Report stated the generating station this close to the falls “could cause safety concerns“.
  • The environmental assessment was a farce. Serious concerns about public safety were simply not addressed. Politics have trumped reason and public safety. The Ontario Liberals’ legislation for such proposals is backwards in that it assures proponents environmental assessment approval once they are selected.

The proponent’s colour-coded flow simulation below shows how close this deadly stream of water would be to the long-time recreational and scuba-diving area at the base of the north falls.

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