Oct 162008

From: Tiffani Steer
To: tclarke@hatchenergy.com ; clement.t@parl.gc.ca ; norm.millerco@pc.ola.org ; gsmitherman.mpp@liberal.ola.org ; dcansfield.mpp.co@liberal.ola.org ; gadams@muskoka.on.ca ; councillor@muskokatoday.com ; henrike@sympatico.ca ; mgrady@muskokalakes.ca ; spryke@muskokalakes.ca ; nthompson@muskokalakes.ca ; parney@muskokalakes.ca ; ddavidson@muskokalakes.ca ;
Sent: Tuesday, October 14, 2008 2:07 PM
Subject: Save The Bala Falls

October 14, 2008

Re: Swift River Energy Limited – Proposed Bala Falls Project

This past Thanksgiving weekend, our family learned of the proposed hydroelectric facility that threatens to destroy the Bala Falls. To deem this proposal foolish and irresponsible does not even begin to reflect what the hundreds of local and thousands of seasonal residents in Bala are feeling but does reflect the ignorance of local councillors and elected officials supportive of this project.

For a proposed project that has been in the works since 2007, it is outrageous that we were not informed of this sooner. While I am fully aware that legally, all that is required is a basic advertisement in a local paper and that town council did hold a few meetings, more could have easily and should have been done. Purposefully, holding meetings during the weekday or on an election day, when the absence of cottagers is guaranteed, is cowardly and insulting. Did those engaged in the project really believe that we would accept this? Did you think that a paid artist’s rendering was going to fool us?

A full scale, environmental impact assessment MUST be conducted before even one stone is turned. This project has significant environmental, heritage, economic and scientific implications, none of which appear to be positive. Creating sustainable “green” energy is an important and necessary goal for the preservation of our earth but not at the expense of cherished landmarks nor at the expense of a small community and wildlife that inhabit the area. Not to mention at the expense of local residents and cottagers who have millions invested in property and who contribute millions every year in taxes. Millions more than Bala will ever receive from this project.

If it is deemed that a hydroelectric facility is appropriate, which is doubtful, Swift River Energy Limited (SREL) does not appear to even have the expertise necessary for a project of this kind. A company that relies on consultants and provides a comparison to this project with the Yonge-Eglinton Centre, is clearly out-of-touch with local realities. To argue this project on the au-courant “green” platform is misleading. The proposed output of this facility will be a mere trickle in the provincial energy grid, having about as much positive impact as the trickle that will run over the falls if the project gets the go ahead.

Much more debate, consideration and meaningful assessment must be conducted before any approvals are given. This does not mean an advertisement in the Weekender or the presentation of suspect and self-serving assessment statistics from Swift River Energy Limited.

As the third-generation at my family cottage this project angers me as much as it saddens me.

Tiffani Steer
On behalf of my family and all those who are firmly opposed to this project

  One Response to “Letter from Tiffani Steer”

  1. Beautifully said. We are all apposed but “they” the majority of councillors have blantantly gone ahead and are pushing this bad idea ahead. I can’t figure out why they are supporting such a crushing blow to Bala. I thought they would represent the residents amd tax payers.

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