Oct 212008

Dear Chair and District Councillors,

Disappointed.  That is how I felt last night when I learned of District Council?s decision to support the Swift River project.  Shock, dismay and disbelief are words I would have liked to use, but after seeing the reaction of councillors at the visit to the falls yesterday, it soon became apparent where your loyalties lie.

District Chair Adams, you indicated yesterday that you?ve received between 30 and 50 e-mails per day for the last few weeks.  You then proceeded to ask us which site we would prefer for Swift River to use.  Had you thoroughly read the e-mails you?ve received I don?t think you would have had to ask that question.  We don?t want the project.  Period.  A smaller site with less disruption to the falls would be preferred if we are going to be forced to deal with this proposal.  As well, something that can be removed down the road, once the Provincial government stops providing subsidies, makes the most sense.  Building on a site where permanent damage is being done does not make sense.  Supporting a site where major blasting has to be done and our natural Precambrian shield removed does not make sense.  Why disturb what natural beauty we have.  We have lost so many natural areas throughout the province and this beautiful country due to progress and grand ideas.  Why add to that?  At the end of the day, we do not want either site.

As Councillors Klinck and Clairmont kindly stated for the residents of Bala, there is no benefit to us to have another power dam in Bala.  The citizens, businesses, and tourists will not gain from this endeavour.  Why not have District join us in the fight to stop this?  There are hundreds if not thousands of people who are willing to fight this.  Why not have District?s support?

I am a new Mom.  You have seen the pictures of my three month old daughter and had you looked and listened yesterday, you would have seen her there making a statement.  Save the Bala Falls for Me.  Despite the wind and cold we were there, yet you were too busy with Swift River to notice.  As a Mom, I now realise more than ever the importance of leaving a legacy.  I am a descendant of Thomas Burgess who founded this beautiful town.  His legacy was a quaint tourist town with lots to offer everyone.  I want to leave a legacy too. We need to preserve what natural beauty we have.  How many towns can you travel to and find what Bala has to offer?  You can find bits and pieces in most towns; I know that.  Exactly what Bala has to offer?  None.  We are at risk of losing that.  How do I explain to my daughter that the generations before her were willing to give that all up because they weren?t willing to fight hard enough?  I can?t tell her that.  I won?t!  I admit the province is a much bigger body to fight than District, but I firmly believe it is worth it.

Mayor Pryke and Councillor Grady, I?m sorry you don?t feel that you can make a difference to support Bala.  You have made that clear by supporting this proposal.  It?s not easy to fight, and it takes a tonne of energy.  I see that in the three men who have been leading this charge.  They are however willing to stand up and make a difference.  It?s very unfortunate that as elected officials you are not willing to do the same.  You were elected and are paid to make a difference.  It?s sad that you don?t recognize that.

It would have been easier to take on the Province with District?s support and unfortunately we don?t have that.  Don?t think for a second that we?ll stop fighting!  To the three councillors who did vote no, THANK YOU!  Thank you for standing up for a town that you weren?t directly elected to support.  Thank you for listening to our concerns and being willing to say no.  We count on your continued support going forward.

Marcia Tupling
Apple Island, East Bay

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