Nov 272008
  1. Is this a “Done Deal”?
    NO! – We need to continue to document the numerous negative effects this proposal would have on the environmental, social, cultural and economic life of Bala. We need to make this known to the Minister of the Environment who can cancel the project. We need to raise money to pay environmental specialists and lawyers to achieve a “bump up” for Swift River’s screening assessment expected to be completed either in December 2008 or early next year. Please see
  2. How long will this construction take?
    WE DON’T KNOW FOR SURE. While estimates differ, the proponent’s projection is 18 months, barring unforeseen problems. They would plan to start construction in November 2009, completing before May 24 weekend in 2011. But – have you ever seen a complex construction project completed on time?
  3. Would this newly generated power be used in Bala?
    NO! – It just goes directly into the power grid.
  4. What is the mechanism for accountability?
    At present, there appears to be:

    • NO MECHANISM for accountability.
    • NO RECOURSE should the economy of our town be damaged.
    • NO RESPONSIBILITY assumed by the town, district, province, proposed developer, or proposed operator.
  5. Do the risks of this project outweigh the benefits of the power production?
    YES! – Sacrificing the environmental, social, cultural and economic health of our community cannot be justified by the relatively tiny amount power generated. See the Independent Electricity System Operator, a not-for-profit corporate entity established in 1998 by the Electricity Act of Ontario.

    The ISSUES we have with this project are:

    a) Socio-economic

    • The lives of the permanent town community would be seriously disrupted – negatively affecting the economy and social events.
    • The cottage/waterfront community would be affected by unnatural fluctuations in water levels and dangerous and fast water currents.
    • Restricted access to the town dock.
    • Restricted swimming and scuba diving.

    b) Engineering

    • Safety – many traditional boating and swimming areas would become dangerous. Ambulances, fire departments and police would be delayed by construction traffic congestion and stoppages for trucks and blasting.
    • Water flow and lake levels – fast water would make many areas dangerous for recreation. The water levels would no longer be managed by the MNR, but by an absentee for-profit landlord.

    c) Environmental

    • Fish habitat near both sides of the falls would be destroyed.
    • Noise, dust, traffic congestion, blasting, and trucking would make Bala a less-than-desirable tourism destination.
  6. Who would benefit financially from this exploitation of Ontario’s water resources?
    Principally Swift River Energy Limited and Lakeland Power.


  7. Has the proponent completed an economic impact study?
    NO! – The developer stated at their presentation to the Moon River Property Owners Association that they are not required to do an economic impact study. This is one of the reasons we will be requesting a “bump up” to the more detailed Environmental Assessment Review.

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