Dec 202016

On December 8, 2016 the proponent hosted an Open House at the Bala Community Centre to present their proposed Rehabilitation Plan for the Township’s Portage Landing. This would be required as the proponent intends to clear-cut all but about two trees from Portage Landing to facilitate their proposed construction.

As this Rehabilitation Plan would include a portage, and this would encourage people to canoe and kayak through the treacherously-turbulent water which would extend outside of the proponent’s proposed safety boom, 65 people signed this letter, which was sent with this cover letter to the Township of Musokoka Lakes and others. The concern is that by approving this proposed Rehabilitation Plan over Township Land, the Council of the Township of Muskoka Lakes would be bringing danger to the public and liability to the Township.

On December 16, 2016 we had the opportunity to delegate on this concern to the Council of the Township of Muskoka Lakes, our presentation is here, and includes the names of 25 more people who are concerned.

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