Jun 292017

We’ll be in Bala and Port Carling this Saturday morning
This Saturday morning July 1, 2017 from 9:00 am to noon we’ll be set up in both:

Stop by and:

  • Have your photograph taken for our collage.
  • We’ll have Canada 150 cookies and a Canada Sesquicentennial and proponent Duodecennial anniversary cake from Don’s Bakery.
  • Check out our fine assortment of SaveTheBalaFalls.com T-shirts and get a lawn sign.
  • Find out that the proponent has leeched off the Township of Muskoka Lakes who used our taxpayer dollars to remove a damaged tree from Margaret Burgess Park. This work should have been paid for by the proponent who has claimed they have responsibility for Margaret Burgess Park and that if the public enters it "the Ontario Provincial Police (‘OPP’) will be contacted and instructed to arrest you and to charge you with an offence".

Recent posts
Updates on the current situation are in our articles A sad anniversary and the Liberal’s Fair Drowning Plan and The stumbling zombie.

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