Dec 182008

There are safer alternatives. As does most everyone, we believe that hydro power is one of the best ways to generate electricity. But there was no effort to ensure that the power station would be integrated with the town.

  • The Ministry of Natural Resources should be given the mandate of releasing alternative sites, such as the south channel. While this would create less electrical power, it would have many benefits (no new dangers created, the view from the Moon River and of the north falls would not be affected, and more water would remain available to go over the north falls).
    As shown here, there are challenges, but also significant opportunities and benefits to this.
  • Much less desirable, but still an alternative would be the initial plan proposed by the proponent (which they now call Option 1). Compared to Option 2, the advantages of Option 1 include: no need to affect the highway or disrupt traffic, the power station would use substantially less water so the water speed past the town docks would be reduced and more water would remain available to go over the north falls.

There may be still other alternatives, but the point is that these should be seriously evaluated, rather than proceeding with the most disruptive and dangerous plan without regard for the town’s economy and public safety.

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