Aug 222013

We sent the letter below to Premier Wynne on September 11, 2013 …

Hello Premier Wynne,

Since I met with you last year concerning the proposed hydro-electric generating station at the Bala Falls, the proponent has presented a new proposal which would:

  • Be outrageously dangerous to vacationing families
  • Result in drownings, and therefore lawsuits and liability to the province

 Further details are in the attached letter, please respond with what actions you will take.

Mitchell Shnier, on behalf of
℅ Box 346
1038 Bala Falls Road
Bala, ON  P0C 1A0

  One Response to “Letter to Premier Wynne”

  1. I wrote the following letter to Wynne:

    I am extremely disturbed to hear that plans to build a turbine at the Bala Falls are going full steam ahead. I truly hope that you are in a position to put a stop to this tragedy once and for all. This pristine landmark in Muskoka needs to be left alone. I am truly surprised that the MNR is OK with it. I suspect that they have their own agenda. Certainly all the business and cottagers in the area are absolutely against it. Why is it that I’d have little chance of extending my dock 10 feet but this private company has no problem blowing up the falls, disturbing the natural fish habitat forever, changing the water levels in Lake Muskoka and installing a dangerous turbine where swimmers and divers currently enjoy the natural beauty of the falls? Sounds very fishy to me.

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