Jan 112017

The Bala falls needs your help now

It is time to write the Premier stating that:

  • The evasive responses from the Ministries show that they have no actual answers to the serious public safety problems.
  • To ensure that unsuspecting tourists are not drowned, we request that no further approvals be provided until the proponent can show how they would operate their proposed generating station safely.


  1. While there are a few more Recent Articles posted at SaveTheBalaFalls.com, we have not provided any general updates for several months as we’ve been busy meeting and gathering details to confirm we have fully and accurately conveyed to the MNRF and MOECC exactly what the serious unaddressed public safety issues are – as lately the government responses have not actually answered the questions asked.

    We were surprised – and disappointed – to find that despite escalation to senior people and detailing how the Ministry responses were unacceptably evasive, that those are the best responses they have. The bureaucrats apparently feel they cannot address the serious public safety issues raised.

    So we all now need to tell the government:

    • It would be completely negligent to approve a generating station that would make the Moon River dangerous downstream of and outside of the planned safety boom.
    • A drowning inquiry would find it inexcusable that a generating station was approved given the Operator has already stated they would not provide warning before starting operation even though the MNRF’s procedures currently require warning the public before flow to the Moon River is increased through removing stop-logs from the Bala dams.
  2. To provide an update of the current situation, we have posted three narrated videos:
    • Each video includes an Index (click on SHOW MORE) so you can advance to that time.
    • Or you can instead click below for just the pdf versions that do not include narration:

    The …

    • First video provides the current status of the approvals needed by the proponent (pdf here).
    • Second video explains the main unaddressed public safety concerns (pdf here).
    • Third video shows the evasive responses from the Ministries and how some of the proponent’s plans do not make sense (pdf here).
  3. The Bala falls now need everyone – each member of your family separately – to:
    1. E-mail the Premier, at KWynne.mpp@liberal.ola.org
    2. Using a Cc:, send a copy to Norm Miller, MPP for Parry Sound – Muskoka at Norm.Miller@pc.ola.org and if you have a different home MPP, copy them as well (e-mail addresses are here).
    3. Ask that no further approvals be issued until the proponent shows how they would operate their proposed generating station safely.
    4. The letters do not need to be detailed, but your letter should ask for a reply that does not repeat the evasive responses the Ministries have been sending lately as these do not address the serious issues of public safety.
    5. After a few days, follow-up with your friends and family to be sure they send their e-mails.

    The letter we have sent is here.

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